Ignore the politics and TRAIN!
In countless web forums discussing martial arts people
endlessly debate the movements, techniques and philosophies behind each style.
Amongst the myriad of debates out there the internal debate in Wing Chun is
among one of the longest running and most contentious. I avoid the politics of
this seemingly never-ending debate and I suggest that all of my other Wing Chun
family members do the same. Even with our slight differences we are one family
and should concentrate on moving our art forward and also focus on what is
important for each of us. Everyone comes to train for different reasons do not
lose sight of why you train and remain focused on reaching your goals. Whether
your goal is to experience a beautiful aspect of Chinese culture thorough Wing
Chun, improve your physical and mental health or to fight, Wing Chun Kung Fu-
any and every variation of it – can help you reach those goals.
Moral of this- set aside the petty politics, keyboard
warrior-ing and get training!
Along those lines congratulations to our Gainesville
students who competed in Tallahassee May 25, Julie who took home a medal in
empty hand forms and sparring and Brice who brought home medals in empty hand
forms, sparring and weapons forms. Additionally congratulations go out to our
Kung Fu brothers and sisters from Jacksonville who, led by Master Arnett,
dominated the adult competitions. All in all a great representation by our Wing
Chun family and I am looking forward to the next tournament.
All the hard work that has been put in shows, I also want to
give a special thanks to my Sifu, Master Arnett, for continuing to be an
inspiration to me and in turn to my students. Thanks Sifu!
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